Hey Everybody! It's Fr. Edward
Inspiring Conversations about Faith, Film, and Life
About the show
Fr. Edward Looney is a Catholic priest who loves having conversations with guests. They talk about new book releases, various topics related to faith and life, and occasionally he speaks with producers, directors, and actors from the film industry. He has podcasted since 2019, formerly as “How They Love Mary” and “Cup of St. Joe,” conducting over 300 interviews to date. The interview style podcasts from Fr. Edward continues now, as he begins each conversation greeting his audience with “Hey Everybody!” Tune in for inspiring conversations about faith, film, and life.
Hey Everybody! It's Fr. Edward on social media
Episode 98: Open the Door of Your Heart and Soul to Mary with Kitty Cleveland
July 19th, 2021 | 37 mins 58 secs
blessed mother, catholic, devotion, faith, marian, motherhood, music, parenting, prayer, rosary
Kitty Cleveland is a Catholic singer and songwriter and this week she joins Fr. Edward Looney to talk about her devotion to Mary. She shares about a prayer experience she had, the music she sings, and the inspiration behind her daily Instagram Live rosary.
Episode 97: Why I'm Giving Up Opera to Sing the Praises of God as a Nun with Gretchen Erlichman
July 13th, 2021 | 48 mins 4 secs
calling, cloister, cloistered, discernment, dominicans, fiat, mary, monastery, nun, surrender, vocation
Gretchen Erlichman studied music for years and has sung in the Opera. Throughout her young adulthood, she began to sense God tugging on her heart to be a nun. In this episode, Gretchen shares with Fr. Edward Looney the path that took her to join the Dominican Sisters at the Monastery of Our Lady of Grace.
Episode 96: Encountering Jesus and Mary in the Gospels, Education, and History
July 6th, 2021 | 40 mins 21 secs
apparitions, conversion, education, fatima, gospels, history, jesus, mary, rosary
Derek Rotty invites listeners into a life of conversion with Jesus and Mary as they meet our savior and His mother in the pages of sacred scripture. Rotty looks to Mary in his role as an educator and has seen her active all throughout history. Hear Derek's story of conversion and how Mary inspires today in this conversation with Fr. Edward Looney.
Episode 95: Mother Mary Thinks I'm Funny with Theresa Zoe Williams
June 28th, 2021 | 34 mins 58 secs
blessed mother, catholic, devotion, faith, marian, motherhood, parenting, rosary
Theresa Zoe Williams hosts a late night Friday podcast called "Up to Late." She credits the Blessed Mother with inspiring her in this work and shares with Fr. Looney about Marian devotion throughout her life as a young adult, wife, and mother.
Episode 94: Why a Young Woman Would Choose to Be a Cloistered Nun with Erin Brown
June 21st, 2021 | 36 mins 53 secs
blessedmother, catholic, devotion, discernment, mary, motherofgod, nuns, religious, saints
Erin Brown has lived and worked in the world as a teacher for a few years. In her young adult life, she began to ask the question, "What does God want me to do with my life?" Through prayer and discernment, she is entering the Summit, NJ Dominicans in August. What leads a young woman to make such a radical decision? Hear her story this week as she speaks with Fr. Edward Looney.
Episode 93: The Faith, Music, and Battle Cry of Katie Linendoll
June 14th, 2021 | 50 mins 14 secs
apparitions, blessed virgin, catholic, ccm, christian music, devotion, marian, mary
Katie Linendoll is a recognizable face from her media work. She is a devout cradle Catholic and recently released her EP Jericho Battle Cry. Get to know the stories behind Katie's life, faith, career, and music as she speaks with Fr. Edward Looney on this week's episode.
Episode 92: Oprah's Sisters Love Mary and the Eucharist with Sr. Joseph Andrew, OP
June 7th, 2021 | 46 mins 31 secs
apparitions, avemaria, blessed virgin, catholic, devotion, discernment, dominican, marian, mary, oprah, pilgrimage, religiouslife, vocation
The Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, mesmerized the world a number of years ago when they first appeared on Oprah's show. People noticed their love of God, joy, and youthfulness. They are a growing religious community. What is their secret? What is their life like? Vocation Directress Sr. Joseph Andrew speaks with Fr. Looney today about their life, charism, and devotion.
Episode 91: Behold the Heart of Jesus on Fridays and During the Month of June with Fr. Thomas Dailey
June 1st, 2021 | 33 mins 32 secs
catholic, church, devotion, fridays, jesus, june, mary, sacred heart
Fr. Thomas Dailey in his latest book discusses devotion to the Heart of Jesus through the writings and spirituality of St. Francis De Sales. Learn how to foster devotion to the Sacred Heart in this episode of How They Love Mary.
Episode 90: Live Your Feminine Genius by Dressing Worthily with Nicole Caruso
May 24th, 2021 | 29 mins 42 secs
beauty, fashion, femininegenius, feminism, johnpaulii, jp2, mary, virginmary, worthyofwearing
Nicole Caruso is a profession make up artist and beauty consultant whose mission is to empower women with self worth by the clothes they wear. She is the author of Worthy of Wearing and today joins Fr. Edward Looney to discuss her book, her #worthyofwearing movement, and Mary's example for women.
Episode 89: How to Incorporate Faith During Your Summer Travels with Marion Amberg
May 17th, 2021 | 35 mins 32 secs
blessedmother, mary, miracles, pilgrimage, prayers, roadtrip, shrines, virginmary
You might find yourself on the road during the summer months and wanting to check out new places. Not only can you see secular places but there are so many religious sites to see as well. Travel writer Marion Amberg shares with us the Monuments, Marvels, and Miracles as a Catholic traveler across America.
Episode 88: What Happens When the Eucharist and the Rosary Meet with Ivonne Hernandez
May 10th, 2021 | 33 mins 33 secs
apparitions, blessed virgin, catholic, eucharist, healing, marian devotion, mary, rosary
Ivonne Hernandez had a powerful experience of healing while praying the rosary before the Blessed Sacrament. This led her to author a series of Eucharistic Rosary Meditations in her book from Elisheba House.
Episode 87: Learning How to Pray Like the Blessed Mother with Fr. James Martin, SJ
May 3rd, 2021 | 49 mins 42 secs
apparitions, blessed virgin, catholic, devotion, holyland, jamesmartin, jesuit, lourdes, marian, mary, prayer
Popular Catholic priest and Jesuit Fr. James Martin recently authored "Learning How to Pray: A Guide for Everyone." This week on How They Love Mary, he discusses with Fr. Edward Looney how to help people pray, different methods and styles of prayer, how to ask Mary's intercession, and how to pray like Mary.
Episode 86: Wandering as a Pilgrim in a Video Game with Joellyn Ciccarelli
April 26th, 2021 | 25 mins 6 secs
bernadette, blessedmother, catholic, coppa, faith, lourdes, pilgrim, pilgrimage, videogame
Screen time has become very common in the life of children today and now they can use that time to learn the faith through a new innovative video game available from Loyola Press called Wanderlight. Joellyn Ciccarelli shares about the game with Fr. Edward Looney on this week's episode.
Episode 85: What Heaven Intends for You and Me with Amanda Lauer
April 19th, 2021 | 36 mins 21 secs
amandalauer, blessedmother, catholicfiction, ourlady, prayer
Amanda Lauer is a Catholic fiction writer and today shares about her Heaven Intended series and the value of Catholic fiction.
Episode 84: Confronting Addiction from the Perspective of Faith with Bobby Newman
April 13th, 2021 | 28 mins 29 secs
addiction, devotion, faith, gospel, prayer
Bobby Newman knows the struggle with addiction all to well and now he helps others address their addictions with the power of faith.
Episode 83 : St. Faustina is in the Clubhouse
April 7th, 2021 | 32 mins 56 secs
blessed mother, catholic, devotion, divinemercy, faith, marian, motherhood, parenting, rosary
Emily Jaminet has a strong devotion to Divine Mercy and the Sacred Heart. During this novena of Divine Mercy, she shares with us the role of Divine Mercy in her life. Further, she is active on a new social media platform called Clubhouse. Never heard of it? Emily will share more about it in her conversation with Fr. Edward Looney.