Hey Everybody! It's Fr. Edward
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
344 episodes of Hey Everybody! It's Fr. Edward since the first episode, which aired on March 29th, 2019.
Episode 314: A Catholic Love Story for Valentine’s Day | Rebecca Martin’s Debut Novel Love in the Eternal City
February 10th, 2025 | 27 mins 34 secs
Looking for a faith-filled romance novel to celebrate St. Valentine’s Day? In this episode of Hey Everybody, It's Fr. Edward, Fr. Edward Looney sits down with Rebecca Martin, author of Love in the Eternal City, to discuss her debut novel published by Chrism Press.
You'll hear:
❤️ Why Catholic romance fiction exists and why it matters.
❤️ The love story of Elena and Benedict, a Swiss Guard, and how a real Swiss Guard helped shape the novel.
❤️ How the book portrays a healthy Catholic dating relationship.
❤️ How Rebecca balances writing with a busy family life.
❤️ The role of NANOWRIMO in fast-drafting her novel.
❤️ Her advice for aspiring Catholic novelists, including Fr. Edward!
❤️ The influence of other clean romance writers like Roseanna M. White, Emma St. Claire, and Katherine Center.If you love faith-based fiction, Catholic romance, or just a good love story, don’t miss this episode! 🎙✨ #CatholicRomance #ValentinesDay #ChristianFiction
This Past Week #4 | Visiting Stunning Churches, Jesus Searching for the 3 Kings, Future Writing Plans & Accidental Rewatch
February 8th, 2025 | 27 mins 40 secs
In this episode of This Past Week, Fr. Edward Looney reflects on faith, history, and unexpected surprises in daily life.
🔹 What I Saw: A post from The Wisconsin Explorer about the breathtaking Cathedral of St. Paul in Minnesota—how a non-Catholic’s appreciation of the cathedral resonated with Fr. Edward.
🔹 What I Read: A fascinating insight from Anne Catherine Emmerich, who claimed that Jesus searched for the Three Kings before His crucifixion.
🔹 What I Write: What I haven’t written yet—but hope to! Should it be a new Lenten devotional or maybe a novel?
🔹 What I Watched: A Netflix mix-up led me to accidentally rewatch The Night Agent—what I remembered, what I forgot, and why it was worth revisiting. Plus, thoughts on the Bob Dylan biopic The Complete Unknown and a pre-screening of No Address. -
Episode 313: The Vocation Story, Ecclesiastical Career, and False Imprisonment of Cardinal Pell w/Tess Livingsone
February 3rd, 2025 | 41 mins 12 secs
In this compelling episode, Fr. Edward Looney sits down with Tess Livingstone, acclaimed Australian journalist and biographer of George Cardinal Pell, to explore the remarkable life, ministry, and controversies surrounding one of the most influential Church leaders of our time.
🔹 Inside the Episode:
✅ How Cardinal Pell’s early life and love for soccer nearly led him to a professional sports career
✅ His rise through the Catholic Church in Australia, serving as priest, bishop, and eventually Cardinal
✅ The pivotal role he played in Vatican financial reforms under Pope Francis
✅ The false accusations that led to his imprisonment and how he ministered to fellow inmates through letters of pastoral counseling
✅ The controversy surrounding his death and why he traveled to the USA after his release
✅ Behind the scenes of Tess Livingstone’s biography, Pax Invictis, chronicling decades of interviews and insights into his character
✅ Where Cardinal Pell is buried and his lasting influence on the Catholic Church📖 Don't miss this deep dive into the life of George Cardinal Pell—a story of faith, resilience, and legacy.
This Past Week #3 | Dunkin’ Dilemma, Plane Tragedy, Childhood Memories, and Movie Reflections
February 1st, 2025 | 30 mins 10 secs
In this episode of This Past Week, Fr. Edward Looney covers a wide range of thought-provoking topics, from everyday inconveniences to deep reflections on faith, memory, and media.
Dunkin’ Dilemma – How can a coffee shop run out of cup covers? Fr. Edward explores possible reasons and invites your thoughts.
Plane Tragedy in Washington D.C. – Reflecting on the unimaginable emotions of those who narrowly avoided disaster.
Childhood Music Memories – A surprising ad for musician Charlie Peacock sparks memories of past concerts, including Lost and Found at Green Bay’s Cup of Joy Coffeehouse.
Pope Francis’s Hope – A powerful takeaway from the pontiff’s autobiography on surrendering everything to God in prayer.
Movie Musings – First impressions of The Brutalist, Green and God, and Valiant One, plus insights on The Brutalist’s themes of custody of the eyes.
Join Fr. Edward for a mix of cultural commentary, personal reflection, and faith-based insights. Watch, listen, and share your thoughts in the comments!
Episode 312: Faith on the Jury: Anna Nuzzo Shares Her Jury Duty Experience
January 27th, 2025 | 35 mins 41 secs
What’s it like serving as a juror? In this episode, Anna Nuzzo shares her personal experience of being selected for jury duty—from navigating the selection process to participating in deliberations and hearing the final verdict. Discover how Anna’s Catholic faith shaped her perspective, including her prayers for the convicted individual after the trial. This insightful discussion explores civic duty, the pursuit of justice, and faith in action. Perfect for those curious about the jury process or seeking inspiration on living out faith in everyday life!
This Past Week #2 | Woman Bishop’s Message, The Word Amen, & Mel Gibson’s Flight Risk
January 25th, 2025 | 23 mins 1 sec
Welcome to This Past Week, where I share what I’ve seen, read, written, and watched!
What I Saw: An Episcopalian woman bishop delivering a bold message to President Trump.
What I Read: Anne Catherine Emmerich’s insights on the word “Amen,” finished Kevin Wells’s The Hermit, and started Pope Francis’s autobiography. Considering Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, who honored St. Marianne Cope in a poem.
What I Wrote: Prayer responses to Scripture.
What I Watched: Mel Gibson’s Flight Risk, an action-packed thriller starring Mark Wahlberg, Michelle Dockery, and Topher Grace—highly recommend!
Looking ahead to The Brutalist next Monday and sharing thoughts on Valiant One and Green and Gold. -
Episode 311: "At The End of the Santa Fe Trail" Tells Sister Blandina Segale’s Wild West Story
January 20th, 2025 | 41 mins 7 secs
Join Fr. Looney for an inspiring conversation with Tomas Sanchez, Hollywood stunt actor turned director and producer of At The End of the Santa Fe Trail. This film tells the incredible true story of Sister Blandina Segale, a Catholic nun who ministered to Billy the Kid and countless others along the Santa Fe Trail.
Tomas shares insights into the making of the movie, the challenges of bringing this remarkable story to the big screen, and how Sister Bandina’s faith and courage continue to inspire audiences today.
🔔 Don’t miss this journey into the Wild West and the life of a fearless servant of God.
🎥 Learn more about At The End of the Santa Fe Trail.CatholicHistory #AtTheEndOfTheSantaFeTrail #BillyTheKid #TomasSanchez #CatholicNun #FaithInFilm #InspirationalMovies
This Past Week #1- On the Topic of Conversion
January 18th, 2025 | 22 mins 16 secs
This Past Week#1- In this new video talk show, Fr. Looney reflects over the past week addressing something he saw online, read in a book, wrote, and watched as a film or on television. This week, Fr. Looney reflects on conversion, and surprisingly, conversion is the lens through which his other comments could also be viewed.
What I Saw- Cardinal Tobin's Pastoral Letter on Conversion
What I read- Cardinal Paul Philippe, O.P., The Blessed Virgin and The Priesthood
What I wrote- an essay for The Priest magazine and a new Crisis article
What I watched- The Fablemans -
Episode 310: Pro Tips for Traveling Italy in the 2025 Jubilee Year with Teresa Tomeo
January 13th, 2025 | 36 mins 45 secs
Planning a trip to Italy during the Jubilee Year 2025? Don’t miss this expert guide! Fr. Edward is joined by Teresa Tomeo, a veteran Catholic journalist, Italian heritage enthusiast, and author of Italy's Shrines and Wonders: Discovering Sacred Spaces, Fascinating Places, and Destinations Off the Beaten Path. With over 70 trips to Italy, Teresa shares insider travel tips to make your pilgrimage or vacation unforgettable.
Episode 309: Meet the Church's Newest Blessed - Fr. Giovanni Merlini (Beatification January 12, 2025)
January 6th, 2025 | 27 mins 28 secs
In this special episode, Fr. Edward Looney speaks with Fr. Steve de los Santos, a priest of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood, to discuss the upcoming beatification of Fr. Giovanni Merlini on January 12, 2025. Tune in to learn about Fr. Giovanni Merlini’s life, his extraordinary faith, and the miracle that led to his beatification. Fr. Steve also shares insights into the Missionaries of the Precious Blood, the order’s founder St. Gaspar del Buffalo, and the impact of Fr. Merlini’s writings and homilies.
BONUS: Goals for 2025
January 1st, 2025 | 31 mins 12 secs
Join Fr. Looney for the 12 Days of Christmas Talk Show, today he enjoys a cup of Toffee Pretzel coffee from Door County Coffee. He discusses goal setting for the new year and what he hopes to accomplish and then reflects on the opening prayer for the feast of Mary, Mother of God.
BONUS: 2024 in Review: Holy Graves, Movies, Podcast Interviews, and Books
December 31st, 2024 | 57 mins 40 secs
In today's installment of the 12 Days of Christmas Talk Show, Fr. Edward enjoys a cup of Highlander Grogg coffee from Door County Coffee and looks back over 2024 sharing about the holy graves he has visited and prayed at, movies he enjoyed, his favorite podcast interviews of the year, and the books he read in 2024. Afterward, he reflects on the collect (opening prayer) for the liturgical day.
Episode 308: Incorporate Classical Literature Into Your New Year with Dr. Joseph Pearce
December 30th, 2024 | 26 mins 56 secs
Prolific author and scholar, Dr. Joseph Pearce joins Fr. Edward Looney for a conversation about classical books. If reading more is a goal for 2025, consider adding a classical book or two. What makes a book a classic? Which classic should you begin with? Dr. Pearce answers these questions and more in this episode!
Episode 307: Fr. Bud Keiser's Life is a Hollywood Story About a Catholic
December 18th, 2024 | 15 mins 13 secs
hollywood priest documentary interview with fr. tom gibbons, hollywood priest fr. bud keiser, who is fr. bud keiser
Fr. Edward speaks with Writer, Producer, and Director Fr. Tom Gibbons about the documentary Hollywood Priest about Fr. Bud Keiser which is airing on PBS World this December. Check local listings. Fr Bud's story is an inspiring one for all people, Meet Fr. Bud in this new documentary.
Wednesday 12/18- 7pm EST/4pm PST
Wednesday 12/18- 9pm PST
Thursday, 12/19- 12am EST and 8am EST/5am PST
Wednesday 12/25- 5am EST/2 am PST and 11 am EST/8am PST -
Episode 306: The Importance of the Morning Offering in Your Spiritual Life with Fr. James Kubicki SJ
December 16th, 2024 | 24 mins 34 secs
Fr. Kubicki's voice is recognizable from his reflections on Relevant Radio. He's been a long time devotee and promoter of the Morning Offering. Today, he joins Fr. Edward Looney to encourage us to make the Morning Offering a part of our daily spiritual life.
Episode 305: What About This New Movie in Theaters Called "I Am The Immaculate Conception"
December 11th, 2024 | 26 mins 44 secs
While there is a new movie on Netflix about Mary, there is a new movie releasing in theaters for three days called I Am The Immaculate Conception, it is a docudrama, which will teach you about the Blessed Virgin Mary, he role in salvation history, and the importance of the Immaculate Conception. Join Fr. Edward Looney and Fr. Chris Alar for this conversation about the new film and why it's so important.