Hey Everybody! It's Fr. Edward

Inspiring Conversations about Faith, Film, and Life

About the show

Fr. Edward Looney is a Catholic priest who loves having conversations with guests. They talk about new book releases, various topics related to faith and life, and occasionally he speaks with producers, directors, and actors from the film industry. He has podcasted since 2019, formerly as “How They Love Mary” and “Cup of St. Joe,” conducting over 300 interviews to date. The interview style podcasts from Fr. Edward continues now, as he begins each conversation greeting his audience with “Hey Everybody!” Tune in for inspiring conversations about faith, film, and life.

Hey Everybody! It's Fr. Edward on social media


  • Episode 139: When Science Meets Faith in Eucharistic Miracles with Dr. Stacy Trasancos

    April 11th, 2022  |  50 mins 40 secs
    dr. stacy trasancos, eucharistic miracles, eucharistic revival, faith and science, fides et ratio, real presence

    Dr. Stacy Trasancos is a Catholic convert, mom, author, and chemist who wants to help people realize that science and faith are not at odds. She writes about the intersection of faith and science and has done so in her new book she co-authored with Fr. George Eliot called "Behold It is I." In this conversation with Fr. Edward Looney, Dr. Trasancos speaks about Christ's true presence in the Eucharist as manifested through Eucharistic miracles.

  • Episode 138: Look for your Unexpected Blessings with Roma Downey

    April 4th, 2022  |  35 mins 49 secs
    blessings, della reese, friendship, hollywood, prayer, reflection, roma downey, touched by an angel, unexpected blessings

    In her latest book, Unexpected Blessings: 90 Inspirations to Nourish Your Soul and Open Your Heart, Actress and Producer Roma Downey looks back over her life and shares the unexpected blessings of her childhood and acting career. Hear her in this conversation with Fr. Edward Looney as she shares about her years on Touched by an Angel and friendship with Della Reese.

  • Episode 137: What it takes to Publish a Book and the Value of Spiritual Reading (especially during Lent and Holy Week) with Kristen Van Uden

    March 28th, 2022  |  35 mins 46 secs
    apparitions, calvary, classics, garabandal, holy land, holy week, jesus, lent, mary, spiritual classics

    Kristen Van Uden works for Sophia Institute Press and serves as spokesperson for deceased authors of classical works. In this episode, she speaks with Fr. Edward Looney about the process of getting a book published and the value of spiritual reading. They focus on three books perfect for Lent and Holy Week. It's still not too late to begin spiritual reading this Lent.

  • Episode 136: The Messages Received by Joseph Terelya in a Ukrainian Marian Apparition with Michael Lichens

    March 24th, 2022  |  35 mins 43 secs
    apparitions, blessed virgin, catholic, joseph terelya, marian devotion, mary, sophia institute press, ukraine, wincenty laszewski

    Fr. Edward Looney talks with Catholic Exchange Editor Michael Lichens about a 1987 Marian apparition that occurred in Ukraine, received by Joseph Terelya, with a message about forgiveness, the state of evil in the world, and a call to pray for Russia. Learn about this apparition and others with the coffee table book "The World of Marian Apparitions" by Wincenty Laszewski and published by Sophia Institute Press.

  • Episode 135: The Devotion of Ukrainians to Mary with Dr. Richard Lenar

    March 21st, 2022  |  53 mins 55 secs
    bohorodista, icons, imri, marian devotion, marianlibrary, mary, pokrov, ukraine

    Dr. Richard Lenar wrote his doctoral dissertation at the International Marian Research Institute on the Marian Devotion of Ukrainian Catholics, utilizing a special collection at the Marian Library. Dr. Lenar shares his wealth of knowledge about Ukrainian history with Fr. Edward in this conversation.

  • Episode 134: How Dan Venezia Became Devoted to the Rosary During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    March 17th, 2022  |  42 mins 36 secs
    blesed virgin, covid, covid19, dan venezia, ewtn, mary, mother angelica, rosary, surviving covid-19

    Dan Venezia, a former MLB player, was one of the first people in New York who came down with Covid-19. Hospitalized during Holy Week, he turned to prayer, and through television, he began praying the rosary with Mother Angelica on EWTN. In this episode, Dan shares his passion, love, and devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary with host Fr. Edward Looney.

  • Episode 133: How to Notice the Devil in Your Spiritual Life with Dan Burke

    March 14th, 2022  |  30 mins 23 secs
    avila, dan burke, devil, prayer, spiritual warfare, teresa of avila

    In this week's episode, Fr. Edward Looney speaks with Dan Burke, founder of the Avila Institute, about the spiritual life and how to notice the presence of the devil. Dan will help you to learn how to pray beyond intercessory and to enter into discursive prayer with the Almighty God.

  • Episode 132: The Message, Prophecies, and Miracles of Garabandal with Glenn Hudson

    March 7th, 2022  |  54 mins 8 secs
    apparitions, blessed virgin, chastisement, garabandal, illumination of conscience, mary, miracle, prophecies

    A few years ago, Fr. Edward Looney learned about Garabandal through a movie that he the chance to see. At the time he was skeptical about the phenomena, but recently he has been growing in devotion and appreciation of this 1960s Spanish Marian apparition. Today, he speaks with Glenn Hudson about everything related to Garabandal. Take a listen and judge for yourself.

  • Episode 131: Saintly Moms Inspiring Modern Day Moms with Kelly Guest

    February 28th, 2022  |  34 mins 29 secs
    intercession, kelly guest, moms, motherhood, parenting, prayer, saintly moms, saints

    Years ago Kelly Guest would not have imagined being a mother when she entered the convent. God led her out of the convent before her final vows and now she is the mother of nine children. As a faithful and devout Catholic, Kelly Guest has turned to the holy example of saintly moms to help her be a better and holier mother. Learn about these saintly moms as Fr. Edward converses with Kelly.

  • Episode 130: Go Deeper with Mary in Family Prayer Every Week of the Year with Katherine Bogner

    February 20th, 2022  |  32 mins 44 secs
    domestic church, family catechesis, family prayer, katherine bogner, marian prayer, prayer, through the year

    Katie Bogner is helping families incorporate prayer to Jesus through Mary with her series, "Through the Year with Jesus" and "Through the Year with Mary." In this conversation with host Fr. Edward Looney, Katherine discusses Mary in the context of families, catechesis, the rosary and Advent.

  • Episode 129: The Faith of an Actress in Hollywood with Brenda Lorena Garcia

    February 17th, 2022  |  28 mins 28 secs
    biography of mary, brenda lorena garcia, faith in hollywood, hollywood, maria of agreda, mystical city of god

    Brenda Lorena Garcia is a stunt-double and a Hollywood actress who loves God and the Blessed Mother. A part of Opus Dei and the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary, she seeks to attend Mass daily, pray the rosary, and do spiritual reading. She recently discovered Fr. Edward Looney's Mystical City of God in a Year Podcast and shares why she is listening and what she hopes to take away from the work of Venerable Maria of Agreda.

  • Episode 128: Being Single on St. Valentine's Day with Annie Harton

    February 14th, 2022  |  40 mins 31 secs
    dating, datingfast, marriage, single

    Annie Harton is a single lady, who happens to be a marriage therapist. After a break up with her boyfriend, she observed a dating fast, and during that time wrote her book "Single Truth: You Are More Than Your Relationship Status." Today, she speaks with Fr. Edward about dating, praying for your spouse, and the marriage of Joseph and Mary.

  • Episode 127: A Family Prayer for Healing in Lourdes with Christy Wilkens

    February 7th, 2022  |  36 mins 15 secs
    apparition, healing, lourdes

    Christy Wilkens journeyed to Lourdes, France with her husband and son. There they prayed for a miracle. She shares their experience and the unexpected graces received.

  • Episode 126: Fr. Edward Talks to a Super Fan of How They Love Mary

    January 31st, 2022  |  44 mins 31 secs
    feedback, fr edward looney, podcast host, spotify, twitter

    Kirby, a listener of How They Love Mary tagged Fr. Edward in a Twitter post indicating that on Spotify Unwrapped he was the number one listener of this podcast. Fr. Edward thought it would be fun to talk with Kirby about the podcast, and what he likes, and to give Fr. Edward feedback and advice.

  • Episode 125: Meet Sister Thea Bowman, a Black American with a Cause for Sainthood with Karianna Frey

    January 24th, 2022  |  45 mins 33 secs
    blackhistory, catholic, catholicblackhistory, theabowman

    February is Black History Month and Fr. Edward thought it would be good for him to learn about some of the Black Americans with a cause for sainthood. Thanks to Ave Maria Press and Karianna Frey, this February he will be getting to know Sister Thea Bowman, a fellow Wisconsinite and holy woman of God.

  • Episode 124: Jesus and Mary Care About Your Mental Health with Colin Nykaza

    January 17th, 2022  |  41 mins 23 secs
    anxiety, catholic, divine mercy, dorothy day, jesus, mary, mental health, new york city, ocd, the chosen, young adults

    Colin Nykaza discovered his devotional life aided his struggles with mental health. By turning to Our Lady and the Divine Mercy, he found heavenly help with anxiety and ocd. In this conversation with Fr. Edward Looney, the two discuss The Chosen, Dorothy Day, Young Adult Ministry, and how devotionalism aids mental health.