Hey Everybody! It's Fr. Edward

Inspiring Conversations about Faith, Film, and Life

About the show

Fr. Edward Looney is a Catholic priest who loves having conversations with guests. They talk about new book releases, various topics related to faith and life, and occasionally he speaks with producers, directors, and actors from the film industry. He has podcasted since 2019, formerly as “How They Love Mary” and “Cup of St. Joe,” conducting over 300 interviews to date. The interview style podcasts from Fr. Edward continues now, as he begins each conversation greeting his audience with “Hey Everybody!” Tune in for inspiring conversations about faith, film, and life.

Hey Everybody! It's Fr. Edward on social media


  • Episode 155: The Influence of St. Kateri Tekakwitha on Young People with Rebecca Sievers

    June 13th, 2022  |  37 mins 53 secs
    book, lessons, saints, summercamp

    The Diocese of Green Bay is home to a summer camp for young people called Camp Tekakwitha. In today's episode, Fr. Edward Looney speaks with the camp director Rebecca Sievers about her background with Camp Tek, her favorite memories, how they instill devotion to this saint, and about the other Camp Tekakwithas throughout the US.

  • Episode 154: Meet a Teenager in Heaven Who Promoted Devotion to the Holy Eucharist with Sabrina Ferrisi

    June 9th, 2022  |  35 mins 42 secs
    blessed carlo acutis, eucharistic miracles, eucharistic revival, how they love mary book, teenage saints

    Blessed Carlo Acutis has grown in popularity since his recent beatification and now he is one of the patrons for the Eucharistic Revival in the United States beginning Corpus Christi 2022. Sabrina tells the story of Blessed Carlo in her latest book with Holy Heroes and helps introduce us to this teenager in Heaven who loved Eucharistic miracles.

  • Episode 153: St. Therese Showered Roses On Him with Jacob Rudd

    June 7th, 2022  |  50 mins 4 secs
    catholicmusic, jacobrudd, sttherese

    Jacob Rudd has answered a call from God as a husband, father, and Catholic musician. A local to the Green Bay Diocese, Fr. Edward has known Jacob for many years. He's always been impressed by his music, especially his song about St. Therese. Learn how St. Therese showered roses on Jacob and be sure to listen to the end, otherwise you'll miss his song "Roses."

  • Episode 152: Discover New Titles of Our Lady for Your Personal Devotion with Christine Valters Paintner

    June 2nd, 2022  |  38 mins 57 secs
    ave maria press, birthing the holy, book, marian devotion

    Christine Valters Paintner has written a new book about Mary that Fr. Edward fell in love with. It happens to be competing in Amazon rankings with his new book but Christine's book is too good not to share. There are so many different titles for the Blessed Mother, and in her new book Birthing the Holy, Christine Valters Paintner offers us reflections on 31 titles. Some you will be familiar with and others will be new to you as they were for Fr. Edward. In this episode you'll discover new titles for Our Lady that you will begin invoking and thinking about in your daily life.

  • Episode 151: Adele Brise Saw America's Mary in Champion, Wisconsin with Marge Fenelon

    May 31st, 2022  |  53 mins 29 secs
    adelebrise, championwi, margefenelon, marianapparitions

    Marge Fenelon is a Catholic author and journalist living in Wisconsin. Her strong Marian devotion comes from her background in the Schoenstatt movement, and as a Wisconsinite, she has visited the National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help on many occasions. Today, she joins Fr. Edward Looney to talk about the visionary Adele Brise, the message Our Lady entrusted to her, and how Adele and all of us can live that message.

  • Episode 150: Praying for the Poor Souls Isn't Just for November with Kristen Van Uden

    May 26th, 2022  |  39 mins 13 secs
    dolindo ruotolo, purgatory, sophia institute press

    Memorial Day is this weekend and many people will visit cemeteries, decorating their graves of loved ones, and offering prayers for their happy repose. In this episode. Fr. Edward Looney speaks with Kristen Van Uden from Sophia Institute Press about two recent books they published about Purgatory. If you have questions about Purgatory, hopefully she answers them! We talk about sources of the writers, what is Purgatory like, how do our prayers help, and is there time in Purgatory.

  • Episode 149: Stories about Mother Angelica from a Friar Who Knew Her with Fr. Joseph Mary Wolfe, MFVA

    May 23rd, 2022  |  38 mins 3 secs
    ewtn, healings, mary, mother angelica, mystics, rhoda wise

    Fr. Edward Looney speaks with Fr. Joseph Mary Wolfe, a Franciscan Missionary of the Eternal Word who left his career to help Mother Angelica with the network and who then eventually became an EWTN priest. In this conversation breaking down lesson four of Fr. Looney's book How They Love Mary, Fr. Joseph shares memories from his life working alongside Mother Angelica.

  • Episode 148: The Marian Devotion and Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II with Patrick Novecosky

    May 19th, 2022  |  38 mins 54 secs
    johnpaulii, jp2, pope

    In Fr. Edward's latest book How They Love Mary, he did not feature Pope St. John Paul II, but he was the pope for the first part of Father's life. Fr. Michael Gaitley and Jason Evert had already written about Pope St. John Paul II and Mary, so he was omitted. With the recent anniversary of May 13 and his birthday on May 18, it seems only appropriate to talk about the Marian Pope who was devoted to Our Lady and the rosary. Author Patrick Novecosky joins Fr. Edward to share about his own personal love and devotion to John Paul II.

  • Episode 147: The Miracles of St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina with Nicholas Salkowski

    May 16th, 2022  |  39 mins 53 secs
    barto, how they love mary book, lesson 3, national centre for padre pio, pa, padre pio, padre pio miracles

    The National Center for Padre Pio in Pennsylvania stands as as a testimony to the miraculous intercession of Padre Pio in the ancestral line of Nicholas Salkowski, whose immediate family also experienced a miracle. St. Padre Pio is one of those household saint names popular among Catholics today. Learn more about Padre Pio, his devotion to Mary, and the National Center for Padre Pio in this conversation between Fr. Edward Looney and Nicholas Salkowski.

  • Episode 146: A Franciscan Friar Talks about the Franciscan Family and St. Francis with Fr. Paschal, MFVA

    May 10th, 2022  |  58 mins 23 secs
    ewtn friars, franciscans, holy land, how they love mary, lesson 2, marian devotion, mfva, salutation, st. francis

    Fr. Paschal from the Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word inspired Fr. Edward's chapter about St. Francis in the book How They Love Mary. In this conversation, Fr. Edward tries to understand how many different orders of Franciscans there are, why the Franciscans have custodianship of the Holy Land, and how St. Francis loved Mary.

  • Episode 145: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Mary Gardens and A Tidbit on Beekeeping with Neena Gaynor

    May 5th, 2022  |  42 mins 27 secs
    beekeeping, catholic, flowers and virgin mary, mary gardens, mary's month, may flowers, roses, sunflowers, tulips

    We crown Mary with flowers during the month of May and people often leave flowers by her statues. But did you know there is a custom of flowers evoking different attributes of Mary? In this episode, Neena Gaynor, author of "A Garden for Mary" shares about the tradition of Mary Gardens and at the end she shares about being a beekeeper too.

  • Episode 144: The Priestly Holiness of Saint Damien of Molokai with Fr. Ervin Caliente

    May 2nd, 2022  |  43 mins 56 secs
    how they love mary the book, htlm, leper priest, lesson 1, priest saint, priestly holiness, saint damien of molokai

    Lesson 1 of Fr. Looney's newest book examines the Marian devotion of St. Damien of Molokai. He speaks with Fr. Ervin Caliente, a classmate of Fr. Looney's from seminary, who actually spent time assisting in the parish where St. Damien of Molokai served. Learn more about the need for holy priests and how St. Damien of Molokai is a shining example.

  • Episode 143: Sister Patricia is a Nun following in the Footsteps of Venerable Maria of Agreda

    April 28th, 2022  |  28 mins
    apparitions, bi location, blessed virgin, mary, mystical city of god, sor maria, venerable maria of agreda

    Fr. Edward recently visited Spain and had the opportunity to visit Agreda and venerate the incorrupt body of Venerable Maria of Agreda, celebrate Mass in the monastery, and interview Sister Patricia about life in the convent founded Venerable Maria of Agreda.

  • Episode 142: Is there a coming Marian apocalypse? What is Marian Apocalypticism? With D.W. Lafferty

    April 25th, 2022  |  42 mins 42 secs
    d. w. lafferty, marian apocalypse, marian apocalypticism, where peter is

    Fr. Edward Looney dives into the topic of the apocalypse, Mary's role in the apocalypse, and what we should make of Marian Apocalypticism in this week's conversation with D.W. Lafferty.

  • Episode 141: The Message of Our Lady of America and St. Joseph to Sr. Mary Ephrem (Mildred Neuzil) with Monsignor Arthur Calkins

    April 18th, 2022  |  1 hr 3 mins
    marian apparitions, ourladyofamerica, united states

    In 2021, six US bishops issued a statement about the apparitions by Sr. Mildred Neuzil and said they could not nor would not authenticate them as supernatural. One of the reasons pertained to messages from St. Joseph regarding is role in salvation. In this conversation, Monsignor Arthur Calkins explains to us the Church's teaching about co-redemption and mediation of grace and we learn more about the messages and significance of this 20th century US Marian apparition.

  • Episode 140: He Knew Father Stu in Real Life with Fr. Bart Tolleson

    April 14th, 2022  |  22 mins 50 secs
    father stu, helena, mark wahlberg, mary, montana, movie, priesthood, sony pictures, stuart long, virgin mary

    The Catholic world is all a buzz about Father Stu, the new movie starring Mark Wahlberg who plays Father Stuart Long. Father Stu is a moving film about a man who overcame all odds to become a priest. Mark Wahlberg portrays Father Stu, but Fr. Bart Tolleson knew him in real life and joins Fr. Edward Looney today to share stories about his friend.