Hey Everybody! It's Fr. Edward
Inspiring Conversations about Faith, Film, and Life
About the show
Fr. Edward Looney is a Catholic priest who loves having conversations with guests. They talk about new book releases, various topics related to faith and life, and occasionally he speaks with producers, directors, and actors from the film industry. He has podcasted since 2019, formerly as “How They Love Mary” and “Cup of St. Joe,” conducting over 300 interviews to date. The interview style podcasts from Fr. Edward continues now, as he begins each conversation greeting his audience with “Hey Everybody!” Tune in for inspiring conversations about faith, film, and life.
Hey Everybody! It's Fr. Edward on social media
Episode 234: A Book on Purgatory for Children (Susan Tassone) and the Theology Behind It (Fr. Mark Latcovich)
October 16th, 2023 | 56 mins 27 secs
book interview, children's books
In this two-part interview, Fr. Edward Looney first speaks with best-selling author Susan Tassone about her new children's book about Purgatory titled New Friends: Now and Forever. In the second part, Fr. Mark Latcovich helps us understand the theology that lies underneath Tassone's story. A timely interview as we prepare for the month of the Holy Souls beginning in November.
Episode 233: Roma Downey Leaves Messages in the Moon
October 10th, 2023 | 23 mins 27 secs
book interview, celebrity
When Roma Downey was a child, she was told to leave a message in the moon for those she loved. This little sentiment has stayed with her ever since and in this interview with Fr. Edward Looney she shares about her new children's book "A Message in the Moon."
Episode 232: Amanda Lauer Shares About Her Life as a Writer
October 4th, 2023 | 29 mins 2 secs
book interview
Amanda Lauer, the author of the new book Royal & Ancient, shares with Fr. Looney about her life as an author and what it all entails. She shares how she gets her inspiration and researches for her novels. If you are an aspiring author, allow Amanda to impart her wisdom with you through this interview.
Episode 231: Bear Woznick Believes Men Need To Be Men Again
September 26th, 2023 | 35 mins 35 secs
book interview
In this interview, Fr. Edward Looney speaks with Bear Woznick, a surfer, martial artist, author, and radio personality who has a quest to help men be men and deepen a masculine spirituality. He shares about the themes and takeaways from his new book with Sophia Institute Press, "12 Rules for Manliness Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?"
Episode 230: How Our Lady (of La Vang and Lourdes) Helped Peter "Graceman" Le to Find Hope and Purpose in Suffering
September 11th, 2023 | 47 mins 35 secs
book interview
Peter "Graceman" Le has underwent suffering throughout his life, most recently with cancer. Yet while suffering he has relied on God for hope, purpose, and grace in the midst of it. He has a strong devotion to Our Lady of LaVang and has been a pilgrim to Lourdes. Ave Maria Press editor Heidi Hess Saxton met Peter Le and knew his story needed to be shared. In this episode meet Peter Le and hear his inspiring story.
Episode 229: Why Silence is Important in the Spiritual Life and How to Foster It with Fr. Basil Nortz, O.R.C.
September 5th, 2023 | 30 mins 26 secs
book interview
Fr. Basil Nortz has authored a book "On Holy Silence" wherein he offers a practical guide for recollection in part inspired by Sr. Marie-Aimee de Jesus. In this episode, Fr. Basil reflects on how silence was a part of the life of Our Lady, who is depicted on the cover, the benefits of silence, and the different types of silence that exist, including the silence of imagination.
Episode 228: Let St. Augustine Teach You the Language of Prayer with Sarah McLaughlin
August 28th, 2023 | 35 mins 4 secs
book interview
St. Augustine is a doctor of the Church and his conversion to Catholicism was after years of prayers by his mother St. Monica. St. Augustine went on to write many works of magnificent theology including "The Confessions" and "City of God." Sarah McLaughlin has combed the writings of St. Augustine and collected his various prayers, teaching us the language of prayer. Learn from Sarah McLaughlin in this episode about the significance of St. Augustine, why she became fascinated by his writings, and what he can teach us about prayer.
Episode 227: The Next Iconic Faith and Sports Film on the Big Screen--The Hill with Rickey Hill and Jeff Celentano
August 25th, 2023 | 18 mins 36 secs
Rickey Hill was born with a degenerative spinal issue. He dreamed of playing baseball, despite all the odds stacked against him, including his Pastor father being adamantly opposed. The new movie "The Hill" is a biopic on Rickey Hill's life and how he never stopped dreaming and accomplished his goals. Meet Rickey Hill and Director Jeff Celentano in this interview with Fr. Edward Looney about Rickey's backstory, why it took almost 20 years to make the film, and Rickey and Jeff's hopes for audience takeaways.
Episode 226: Kate Sydnor Helps Parents and Kids say Goodnight to Jesus
August 21st, 2023 | 24 mins 45 secs
book interview
Kate Sydnor has authored a new Catholic board book, ideal for bedtime routines, teaching the language of prayer to children and conveying the importance of saying Good Night to Jesus while thanking God for family and blessings. Learn why Kate wrote the board book and how you can incorporate it into your family's bedtime ritual.
Episode 225: Why We Need to Wake Up and Fight Woke Culture with Teresa Mull
August 14th, 2023 | 37 mins 38 secs
book interview
Teresa Mull wants to help us woke-proof our life with her new book from Sophia Institute Press. In this conversation, Teresa explains what the woke movement is all about, how we can live surrounded by it, and the role our faith has in combatting and correcting it.
Episode 224: Why a Catholic Can't Be a Free Mason and Other Questions about Freemasonry with David L. Gray
August 7th, 2023 | 56 mins 51 secs
David L. Gray used to be a free mason. After an experience of Jesus through the Catholic Church he left that life to be a Catholic. In this episode, David Gray helps us understand the history of freemasonry, what they believe, and what they do. He explains what the Shriners are and how a family member can cope with someone in freemasonry. Finally, we talk about what the Church has taught and said about freemasonry and the possibility of free masons in the Church.
Episode 223: How Claire Aalerud Developed a Devotion to Sor Maria and the Mystical City of God
July 31st, 2023 | 37 mins 31 secs
Claire Aalerud was introduced to Sor Maria and the Mystical City of God and was so moved that she wanted to film a video about her. This led her to travel to San Angelo, Texas and Agreda, Spain. Claire shares why Sor Maria is important today and how we can become more aware about her life.
Episode 222: One Pilgrim's Experience of Mary's Good Help at the Champion Shrine with Anthony Bonna
July 24th, 2023 | 47 mins 6 secs
apparitions, pilgrimage, shrines
Anthony Bonna flies to Wisconsin once or twice a year with the sole purpose of visiting the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion, formerly known under a different appellation of Our Lady of Good Help. Mary appeared in 1859 to Adele Brise and spoke a message encouraging prayer and catechesis. Today, pilgrims visit the shrine daily to participate in the sacraments of the Church and implore Mary's help. In this episode, Anthony Bonna shares his experience of pilgrimage and what he does for hours while visiting.
Episode 221: The Exiled Bishop Who Pumped Gas in America with James K. Hanna
July 17th, 2023 | 48 mins 26 secs
american catholic history, biography, book interview
Bishop Bonaventure Broderick was a bishop without a job. Assigned to promote the Peter's Pence collection, the American bishops rejected his role. Consequently, he received a $100 stipend a month and had no public assignment. What does an American bishop do without a flock? Author and Historian Jamkes K. Hanna shares the fascinating life of an exiled bishop, his gas station, and return to grace in this episode.
Episode 220: How to Understand Suffering and Death as a Catholic with Dr. Paul Chaloux
July 5th, 2023 | 29 mins 33 secs
book interview
Dr. Paul Chaloux has suffered from a debilitating disease for years. This makes his reflections on suffering, death, and dying even more powerful. In this conversation, Dr. Paul Chaloux will explain why we shouldn't be afraid to die and how we can give greater meaning to suffering. This is an excellent episode for a person is suffering or for their caregiver.
Episode 219: A Catholic Self-Help Book to a New Life with Anthony DeStefano
June 20th, 2023 | 29 mins 22 secs
book interview
Anthony DeStefano has bridged the gap between spirituality and self-help from a Catholic perspective with his new book 30 Days to Your New Life: A Guide to Transforming Yourself from Head to Soul. In this interview, Anthony DeStefano discusses how a Catholic can approach the topic of self-help from the faith tradition and truly become the person God wants them to be.