Hey Everybody! It's Fr. Edward

Inspiring Conversations about Faith, Film, and Life

About the show

Fr. Edward Looney is a Catholic priest who loves having conversations with guests. They talk about new book releases, various topics related to faith and life, and occasionally he speaks with producers, directors, and actors from the film industry. He has podcasted since 2019, formerly as “How They Love Mary” and “Cup of St. Joe,” conducting over 300 interviews to date. The interview style podcasts from Fr. Edward continues now, as he begins each conversation greeting his audience with “Hey Everybody!” Tune in for inspiring conversations about faith, film, and life.

Hey Everybody! It's Fr. Edward on social media


  • Episode 266: Dr. Amy Cattapan is Helping to Develop a Spirituality for Teachers with Her Recent Books

    April 8th, 2024  |  33 mins 49 secs
    book interview

    Fr. Edward has been friends with Amy Cattapan for several years now. Catholic writers know other Catholic writers. When she isn't writing books, Amy is teaching in the classroom and grading homework. Her two recent books with Ave Maria Press, which were her splash from fiction writing to non-fiction writing, provide inspiration for teachers. In "Sweet Jesus, Is It June Yet?" she focuses on teaching like Jesus and battling burnout. Her latest book, "A Saint Squad for Teachers" proposes different saints for inspiration and intercession. It is her passion to develop a spirituality for teachers. Be sure to share this episode with the educator in your life!

  • Episode 265: Could Joe Wilson Be the Next Blessed Carlo Acutis or Chiara Luce?

    April 3rd, 2024  |  49 mins 7 secs
    sainthood causes

    Fr. Edward began following the Carfin Grotto located in Scotland on Facebook because of his interest in grottos throughout the world. That led Fr. Edward to discover the story of a young man Joe Wilson who died at a young age. The spiritual life of Joe Wilson, his faith and devotion, inspired Fr. Edward and now he is happy to introduce listeners of the podcast to his story. In this episode we hear from Jane Burns, author of a biography about Joe Wilson, and midway through, John Patrick Mallon joins the conversation to add the perspective of the younger generation.

  • Episode 264: Roma Downey Can't Wait For You To Meet "The Baxters" Streaming on Amazon Prime March 28, 2024

    March 28th, 2024  |  19 mins 16 secs

    Roma Downey makes a return to an episodic television based series. The Touched By An Angel star, produced and acted in a new series, The Baxters, coming to Amazon Prime just in time for Easter. The series is based off Karen Kingsbury novels and the show is a delight, and won't disappoint. In this interview, Roma Downey shares with Fr. Edward Looney the premise of the show and what viewers will appreciate and take away from it. It is an easily bingeable and relatable show for all audiences ages and demographics. Roma hopes and prays that this show will be a show watched together as a family.

  • Episode 263: Discover or Rediscover The Story of Moses in the Latest Docudrama Streaming on Netflix March 27, 2024 with Kelly McPherson

    March 26th, 2024  |  15 mins 40 secs
    movie interview, netflix

    Kelly McPherson is the producer of a new docudrama releasing on Netflix called "Testament: The Story of Moses." It releases on the steaming platform on March 27. The three episodes, recount the story of Moses from his birth, to him murdering an Egyptian, to the plagues, and leading the people into the Promised Land to receiving the Ten Commandments. As these stories are acted out, the expertise of scholars is peppered throughout to help a person better appreciate this biblical character. Go behind the scenes the docudrama series with Fr. Looney's interview with Kelly.

  • Episode 262: A Devotional Just For Today with Dom David Watters, O.S.B.

    March 18th, 2024  |  33 mins 49 secs
    book interview, devotional

    Join Fr. Edward Looney as he speaks with a young monk from Silverstream Priory in Ireland. Dom David shares with Fr. Looney the story of his conversion to Catholicism as a son of Protestant missionaries and what drew him to the extraordinary form of the Mass. They then discuss how Silverstream has republished a work from a Benedicitne Nun of Stanbrock, Worcester, where she traces the spirituality of St. Therese of Lisieux and Thomas a Kempis's Imitation of Christ. This daily devotional, is perfect Just for Today, and received its title from a poem of St. Therese of Lisieux.

  • Episode 261: Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. Helps Us Study and Understand the Prophet Isaiah

    March 13th, 2024  |  55 mins 14 secs
    bible, book interview, tan books

    The beloved EWTN priest host, Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. has been teaching Catholics for decades through EWTN Live and other shows he hosts. I've been a guest on his show. Fr. Mitch is a brilliant man. When I was at the network, I was in awe of all he could readily talk about without at preparation. In his latest book from TAN Books, Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. is helping us understand the writings of the Prophet Isaiah, known as the Gospel of the Old Testament. In this interview, be ready to begin a bible study on Isaiah, learn about its history, and how you can pray with the text too.

  • Episode 260: After Seeing Cabrini, the new Angel Studios Film in Theaters Now, Get to Know Mother Cabrini by Immersing Yourself in Her Writings with Kristen Theriault

    March 8th, 2024  |  24 mins 5 secs
    book interview, film

    Angel Studios has released a new film, about a Catholic saint, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini. She was a powerful woman with God, who influenced the lives of so many immigrants in New York during her life. Moviegoers and Angel Studios enthusiasts will be getting to know Mother Cabrini and be introduced to her story. This might leave some with a desire to know more. Lucky for them, Sophia Institute Press has released The Mother Cabrini Companion by Kristen Theriault. In this conversation with Fr. Looney, Kristen shares how Mother Cabrini has influenced her and how her letters and words can be inspiration to those learning about her for the first time.

  • Episode 259: An Evangelical Filmmaker Discovered the Real St. Patrick and Wrote a Devotional with Aaron Burns

    March 4th, 2024  |  29 mins 5 secs
    book interview, ecumenical, evangelical

    Aaron Burns is a filmmaker, and now author of a new devotional based on the life and legacy of St. Patrick. You would expect the author of a devotional based on the writings of St. Patrick to be a Catholic, but he is not. St. Patrick is one of Catholicism's most celebrated saints in the secular world, and his story has the ability to touch hearts of believers regardless of their Christian denomination. In this episode hear how Aaron encountered St. Patrick and how the saint has influenced him to this day.

  • Episode 258: Blessed Michael McGivney Obtained the Grace of Healing from Alcoholism for One of His Relatives

    February 26th, 2024  |  49 mins 12 secs
    book interview, saints

    The intercession of holy men and women on the road to sainthood is powerful. Today's episode features one of those stories. Fr. Edward speaks with Joe and Nicole McGivney about Joe's healing from alcoholism through Blessed Michael McGivney's intercession. Joe is a distant relative of Blessed Michael and I'm sure that gave him all the more reason to intercede before the throne of God for Joe's healing.

  • Episode 257: Why Anthony D'Ambrosio is Making a Film about St. Maximilian Kolbe and Why He Called It "Triumph of the Heart"

    February 23rd, 2024  |  28 mins 9 secs
    movie interview

    Anthony D'Ambrosio and Fr. Edward crossed paths back in 2007. Now, St. Maximilian Kolbe brings them back together as they discuss Anthony's big film project about St. Maximilian Kolbe. He shares his hopes, dreams, and aspirations for the film and why he called Triumph of the Heart. He also helps people understand why movies need financial backing and what costs are associated with filming, producing, and editing.

  • Episode 256: Fr. John Hogan Shares About His Devotion to the Saints and How He Promotes Causes for Sainthood, including Fr. Willie Doyle, SJ

    February 19th, 2024  |  1 hr 9 mins
    holy conversations, sainthood causes

    This conversation Fr. Edward had with Fr. John Hogan was one of the most spiritual edifying for him as a host and interviewer. In this episode, you will learn about the Legion of Mary and its saintly founder Frank Duff. You will also learn how Fr. Hogan fostered a devotion to Thomas of Canterbury in his youth and why he's an important saint today. Finally, you will be introduced to the heroic life of Fr. Willy Doyle, S.J. who has a cause for sainthood. Fr. Doyle will certainly inspire both clergy and lay alike. Hear about how he is a great intercessor for mental health and how he honored his parents. Fr. Hogan drops many spiritual truths and will help you foster a greater love for the holy men and women who lived before us.

  • Episode 255: Donna Marie Cooper O'Boyle Invites Our Lady to Accompany Her to Mass and Adoration

    February 16th, 2024  |  35 mins 17 secs
    book interview

    Donna Marie Cooper O'Boyle loves Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and loves Our Lady too! Mary and the Eucharist are connected, and Donna Marie helps us to pray before the Blessed Sacrament with Our Lady. Learn more about her new book about the topic: 30 Marian Eucharistic Visits from EWTN Publishing.

  • Episode 254: Erin Dooley Has Created a Different Type of Catholic Podcast--Confessions of a Catholic Single

    February 10th, 2024  |  20 mins 35 secs
    catholic creatives

    In 2023, Erin Dooley wrote and released a Catholic comedy audio drama as an episodic podcast series called Confessions of a Catholic Single. Now in 2024, season 2 releases on Valentine's Day. Get the scoop on how the show came to be and other behind the scene questions. Most of all, go over and subscribe on whatever platform you listen on so you can begin enjoying this Catholic podcast.

  • Episode 253: The Experience of a Now Retired NFL Football Team Chaplain with Fr. Douglas Hunter

    February 6th, 2024  |  22 mins 43 secs
    football, sports

    Recently on Twitter, Fr. Douglas Hunter announced to his followers that he was retiring, resigning, or stepping down from his role as the Catholic Chaplain of the Indianapolis Colts. When Fr. Edward saw the Tweet, he immediately messaged Fr. Hunter to set up an interview! In this conversation Fr. Hunter shares how he became the Colt's chaplain, what his duties were, how he managed doing so while serving in a parish, how he would have handled the Damar Hamlin situation, and his thoughts on Indianapolis becoming a center for Catholic America events like NCYC and the Eucharistic Revival.

  • Episode 252: A Television Show Sparking Conversations about Hospice, Death/Dying with Dan Merchant

    February 2nd, 2024  |  34 mins 59 secs
    tv show interview

    Dan Merchant is a screenwriter, director, and producer of many shows. One in particular, "Going Home," is an inspiring medical show, not focusing on healing and restoring to health, but walking with patients at Sunset House as they are "Going Home," not to their families but to the Lord. Learn about the show, how to watch it, and other shows that Dan has written and directed, including Fr. Edward's new favorite "Live + Local."

  • Episode 251: Fr. Edward Announces He is Re-Branding How They Love Mary with a New Name

    January 31st, 2024  |  19 mins 58 secs

    Fr. Edward shares about the future of the podcast How They Love Mary and the rebrand that will be taking place in February. Be assured, nothing really is changing except the name and the website url. Fr. Edward will continue to bring you the same interviews as he has done since 2019.