Hey Everybody! It's Fr. Edward

Inspiring Conversations about Faith, Film, and Life

About the show

Fr. Edward Looney is a Catholic priest who loves having conversations with guests. They talk about new book releases, various topics related to faith and life, and occasionally he speaks with producers, directors, and actors from the film industry. He has podcasted since 2019, formerly as “How They Love Mary” and “Cup of St. Joe,” conducting over 300 interviews to date. The interview style podcasts from Fr. Edward continues now, as he begins each conversation greeting his audience with “Hey Everybody!” Tune in for inspiring conversations about faith, film, and life.

Hey Everybody! It's Fr. Edward on social media


  • Bonus Episode 4: Trending Marian Tweets and Topics

    June 6th, 2020  |  7 mins 24 secs

    After a three week break from the bonus episodes, Fr. Looney brings you the latest Marian tweets and topics you might have missed.

  • Episode 28: Welcoming Jesus' Heart During June with Emily Jaminet

    June 1st, 2020  |  36 mins 29 secs

    Fr. Edward Looney interviews Emily Jaminet about devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and what it means to enthrone the Sacred Heart in your home.

  • Episode 27: Living and Being the Magnificat with Sonja Corbitt

    May 26th, 2020  |  40 mins 43 secs
    bible, blessed mother, blessed virgin, magnificat, mary, prayer

    Fr. Edward Looney discusses Sonja Corbitt's new book, "Exalted: How the Power of the Magnificat Can Transform Us."

  • Episode 26: Hunting the Miracles of the Virgin, Mother, and Queen with Michael O'Neil

    May 19th, 2020  |  39 mins 19 secs
    apparitions, avemaria, blessed virgin, catholic, devotion, marian, mary, miracles, pilgrimage

    Fr. Edward Looney interviews the Miracle Hunter, Michael O'Neil, as they discuss Mary's many apparitions and titles which correlate to a new book Michael co-authored with Dr. Robert Fastigii- Virgin, Mother, and Queen: Encountering Mary in Time and Tradition.

  • Episode 25: The Fruits, Signs, and Wonders of Fatima with Joseph Pronechen

    May 12th, 2020  |  44 mins 38 secs
    apparitions, avemaria, blessed virgin, catholic, devotion, eucharist, fatima, joseph, marian, mary, miracles, pilgrimage

    National Catholic Register columnist Joseph Pronechen discusses the Fatima apparition with Fr. Looney.

  • Bonus Episode 3-Trending Marian Tweets and Topics

    May 9th, 2020  |  15 mins 33 secs
    bible, blessed mother, blessed virgin, fatima, magnificat, mary, prayer, rosary

    Fr. Edward Looney discusses the trending Marian articles and tweets of the week.

  • Episode 24: Defending Mary with Karlo Broussard

    May 5th, 2020  |  37 mins 41 secs
    apologetics, blessed mother, catholic, defending, devotion, protestant, virgin mary

    Fr. Edward Looney talks with Catholic Apologist about how we can defend the Blessed Virgin Mary when Protests raise questions and objections.

  • Bonus Episode 2- Trending Marian Tweets and Topics

    May 2nd, 2020  |  9 mins 48 secs

    Fr. Edward Looney talks about the latest in Marian news and what people are tweeting about regarding the Blessed Mother.

  • Episode 23: Don't Forget to Call Mom and Say Thank You with Lindsay Schlegel

    April 28th, 2020  |  36 mins 45 secs
    blessed mother, catholic, devotion, faith, marian, motherhood, parenting, rosary

    Fr. Edward Looney talks with Lindsay Schlegel about the lessons she has learned as a parent which brought her closer to God based off her book "Don't Forget to Say Thank You."

  • Bonus Episode 1- Trending Marian Tweets and Topics

    April 25th, 2020  |  11 mins 37 secs
    blessedvirgin, devotion, fatima, hailmary, mary, marygarden, regiancaeli, rosary, statues

    Fr. Edward Looney comments on the popular Marian topics and tweets of the week and converses with Kevin Symonds about the Third Secret of Fatima.

  • Episode 22: From the Library of Fulton Sheen with Alexis Walkenstein

    April 21st, 2020  |  43 mins 38 secs
    blessed virgin, catholic, devotion, edward looney, mary sheen

    Fr. Edward Looney talks with Emmy Award winning producer Alexis Walkenstein about her devotion to Fulton Sheen and her book compiling excerpts of his writings.

  • Episode 21: Theresa Anthony's 13th Station

    April 10th, 2020  |  22 mins 21 secs
    13thstation, good friday, lent, mary, prayer, sorrowfulmother, stationsofthecross

    Fr. Edward Looney interviews Theresa Anthony, a mother who lost her son, and shares her story about relating to the 13th Station.

  • Episode 20: Mary Teaches Us Different Ways to Pray

    March 22nd, 2020  |  14 mins 39 secs

    Fr. Looney leads us through week four of A Lenten Journey with Mother Mary and talks about how the different ways Our Lady has requested prayers of the visionaries and now of us.

  • Episode 19: Praying with Mary For Our Beloved Dead and In Time of Pandemic

    March 16th, 2020  |  11 mins 55 secs
    apparitions, blessed virgin mary, edward looney, fatima, knock, lent, lourdes, mary, prayer

    Fr. Edward Looney continues his companion podcast to A Lenten Journey with Mother Mary by reflecting on praying for the dead and unpacking the Knock, Ireland apparition.

  • Episode 18: Mary Wants Us to Pray for Others

    March 9th, 2020  |  10 mins 34 secs
    apparitions, blessed virgin mary, edward looney, fatima, guadalupe, lent, lourdes, mary, prayer

    During the second week of A Lenten Journey with Mother Mary, our daily meditations focus on intercessory prayer. Fr. Looney talks about intercessory prayer during our Lenten Journey.

  • Episode 17: Mary's Motherly Advice

    March 1st, 2020  |  7 mins 9 secs
    apparitions, catholic, church, devotion, edwardlooney, jesus, lent, mary, virginmary

    Fr. Edward Looney continues to offer reflections on his book "A Lenten Journey with Mother Mary" by unpacking week one: examining your conscience in light of Mary's messages. Mary's messages are really her motherly advice for us today.