Hey Everybody! It's Fr. Edward
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
346 episodes of Hey Everybody! It's Fr. Edward since the first episode, which aired on March 29th, 2019.
Episode 212: The Life, Faith, and Way of Archduke Eduard Habsburg
April 24th, 2023 | 38 mins 26 secs
book interview
Students of world history will recognize the Habsburg name. Faith has always been central to the Habsburgs and in this episode, Archduke Eduard Habsburg shares about how he came into the royal political life, his role as ambassador to the Holy See and the Order of Malta. He then explains key points of the Habsburg way of life that he identifies in his new book from Sophia Institute Press.
Buy the book: https://sophiainstitute.com/product/the-habsburg-way/
Episode 211: How to Read as a Spiritual Practice with Jessica Hooten Wilson
April 17th, 2023 | 35 mins 50 secs
book interview
Spiritual books deepen our appreciation for the movement of God in our life. They speak to our souls and spark conversion. But reading fiction can also do the same thing too. Jessica Hooten Wilson is the author of "Reading for the Love of God" and today will share her insights into how to read especially with the eyes of faith.
Episode 210: St. Jose Sancehz Del Rio Looked to Heaven
April 15th, 2023 | 11 mins 6 secs
movie interview
Mirado Al Cielo is a Fathom Movie event coming to theatres on April 18th, 2023 and it tells the story of the Cristero War martyr saint, Jose Sanchez del Rio, who gives his life as a witness to Christ at the age of 14. Learn his story from the movie's producer, Laura Díaz Alonso.
Episode 209: Let Stephen Binz Be Your Tour Guide throughout the Holy Land and Poland
April 10th, 2023 | 43 mins 55 secs
book interview, pilgrimage, saints
Stephen Binz is a noted Catholic biblical scholar and leader of Catholic pilgrimages. He has a vast knowledge of the Holy Land and Poland and in today's interview, he gives insider tips to visiting where Jesus lived and ministered and the land where devotion abounds.
Episode 208: How Blessed Conchita Can Help Us Meditate on the Passion, the Priesthood, and the Eucharist with Kathleen Beckman
April 3rd, 2023 | 41 mins 6 secs
book interview, saints
The spiritual life is vast and the holy men and women of our Catholic faith can inspire our devotion and deepen our love for Christ and the Church. Blessed Conchita is one of those holy women. A wife, mother, widow, and mystic, she delved deep into the spiritual life, receiving messages and revelations she has shared in her volumes of writings. Kathleen Beckman with her new biography about Blessed Conchita is introducing our contemporary age to the richness of her thought about the passion, the priesthood, and the Eucharist, in addition to her Marian spirituality.
Episode 207: The Passion and Resurrection of Jesus According to Venerable Maria of Agreda
March 28th, 2023 | 9 hrs 20 mins
maria of agreda, mystical city
Last year Fr. Edward read the four volume, 2600+ page The Mystical City of God by Venerable Maria of Agreda. Listeners from last year remarked how moving the passion of Jesus was and their desire to listen to it again. In this unique, 9 hour episode, Fr. Looney has combed through over 30 days of readings, and brought together the Passion and Resurrection account from the Mystical City of God found in volume three.
Episode 206: Is the Impossible Novena Possible? with Elle of Miraculous_Revival
March 20th, 2023 | 47 mins 51 secs
devotion, novena
My mind was blown away when I found out there is a nine month novena from March 25th to December 25th. It made sense-honoring the nine months of Mary's pregnancy. Is it an impossible novena? It has that moniker. But it's more an impossible novena to pray for impossible intentions. In this interview, Fr. Edward speaks with Elle who is promoting the novena through Instagram and the web. Learn about this novena, how to pray it, and why you should in this riveting conversation.
Episode 205: Two Lenten Projects You Can Still Take Advantage of with Bisong and Anthony
March 13th, 2023 | 40 mins 17 secs
book interview, movie interview
Today is a special podcast, two interviews with two different people sharing about offerings for Lent that you can still take advantage of before Easter. Bisong joins Fr. Edward to talk about his 1 hour long meditation on the Stations of the Cross from Mary's perspective and Anthony Kolenc shares about the Catholic Teen Book Collective "Ashes: Visible and Invisible." Learn about the projects and what each has to offer in this episode!
Episode 204: A Story of Redemptive Suffering, Healing, and Forgiveness with Caitie Crowley
March 6th, 2023 | 41 mins 2 secs
book interview
Catie Crowley as involved in a car accident and it took her a year to literally get back on her feet. She shares about her story in her book "Stepping Up!: How Christ Turned My Pain & Suffering into Hope & Joy." Her story is one that can help us better understand suffering during the season of Lent and whenever we experience it throughout life.
Episode 203: Blessed Stanley Rother Was the Patron Chosen for this Benedictine Monk with Br. Stanley Rother Wagner, OSB
February 27th, 2023 | 46 mins
current events
The Archdiocese of Oklahoma City recently dedicated their shrine to Blessed Stanley Rother. One person who was in attendance was Br. Stanley Rother, OSB, a monk of St. Meinrad Abbey. In this episode he shares how Blessed Stanley Rother became his patron, the story of Blessed Stanley Rother, his impressions of being present for such a special celebration, and how he expresses his devotion to the missionary martyr.
Episode 202: Ordinary and Extraordinary Miracles Take Place in Lourdes Everyday with Marlene Watkins
February 20th, 2023 | 40 mins 42 secs
book interview
Marlene Watkins is the founder of Our Lady of Lourdes Hospitality North American Volunteers and has shared about her many years of pilgrimage experiences in her latest book "Everyday Miracles of Lourdes." Discovery the beauty of this Marian apparition through stories and sharing from Marlene in this episode of How They Love Mary.
Episode 201: Everything You Wanted to Know About Mormonism and Why Jeremy Christianson Left It To Become Catholic
February 14th, 2023 | 46 mins 57 secs
book interview, conversion story
Jeremy Christianson recently penned his conversion memoir "From the Susquehanna to the Tiber: A Memoir of Conversion from Mormonism to the Roman Catholic Church" with Ignatius Press. In this interview, Fr. Edward Looney learns the basic tenants of Mormonism and what they believe, and why Jeremy Christianson found Catholicism attractive.
Episode 200: Fr. Edward's Reflection on 200 Episodes
February 8th, 2023 | 29 mins 24 secs
fr. edward monologue
In this episode, Fr. Edward looks back at why he started a podcast, the guests he has interviewed, and shares the top 15 most downloaded episodes. This is the 200th episode (its more if you count bonus episodes) and there are many more to come!
Episode 199: Why Do Some Catholics Consecrate Themselves to Mary? with Shane Kapler
January 23rd, 2023 | 51 mins 33 secs
book interview, marian consecration
St. Louis de Montfort in the 1700's proposed total consecration to Jesus through Mary. He wasn't the first. In fact, Catholic apologist Shane Kapler argues that Marian consecration has its roots in the bible, and not just the New Testament but also in the Old Testament. In this interview, you will learn why Catholics consecrate their lives to Mary and where you can find that in the bible. We also talk about vocabulary and whether or not we should say consecration versus entrustment. If you are considering Marian consecration, then this is the episode to convince you as to why you should.
Episode 198: The Inspiring Stories and Heroism of Our Someday Saints with Laurie Schmitt
January 16th, 2023 | 44 mins 31 secs
book interview, saints
Blessed Solanus Casey, Venerable Frederic Baraga, and Venerable Samuel Mazuchelli all have something in common. They are someday saint and also featured in a book by Laurie Schmitt. In this conversation with Fr. Edward Looney, Laurie shares about her writing projects, devotion to the someday saints, and how they impress her.
Episode 197: How Pope Benedict XVI Influenced the Conversation about Fatima and the Third Secret with Kevin Symonds
January 10th, 2023 | 1 hr 3 mins
current events, fatima
Another contribution of Pope Benedict to Marian theology was his commentary on the third part of the secret of Fatima. In this conversation, Fatima scholar Kevin Symonds talks about Cardinal Ratzinger turned Pope Benedict XVI's contribution to understanding Fatima.