Hey Everybody! It's Fr. Edward

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

355 episodes of Hey Everybody! It's Fr. Edward since the first episode, which aired on March 29th, 2019.

  • Episode 19: Praying with Mary For Our Beloved Dead and In Time of Pandemic

    March 16th, 2020  |  11 mins 55 secs
    apparitions, blessed virgin mary, edward looney, fatima, knock, lent, lourdes, mary, prayer

    Fr. Edward Looney continues his companion podcast to A Lenten Journey with Mother Mary by reflecting on praying for the dead and unpacking the Knock, Ireland apparition.

  • Episode 18: Mary Wants Us to Pray for Others

    March 9th, 2020  |  10 mins 34 secs
    apparitions, blessed virgin mary, edward looney, fatima, guadalupe, lent, lourdes, mary, prayer

    During the second week of A Lenten Journey with Mother Mary, our daily meditations focus on intercessory prayer. Fr. Looney talks about intercessory prayer during our Lenten Journey.

  • Episode 17: Mary's Motherly Advice

    March 1st, 2020  |  7 mins 9 secs
    apparitions, catholic, church, devotion, edwardlooney, jesus, lent, mary, virginmary

    Fr. Edward Looney continues to offer reflections on his book "A Lenten Journey with Mother Mary" by unpacking week one: examining your conscience in light of Mary's messages. Mary's messages are really her motherly advice for us today.

  • Episode 16: Making Sense of Marian Apparitions

    February 28th, 2020  |  26 mins 10 secs
    apparitions, blessed virgin, edward looney, fatima, lent, lourdes, mary, pilgrimage, prayer, seers, sophia institute, visionaries

    Fr. Edward Looney continues to reflect on his book "A Lenten Journey with Mother Mary." In this episode, he talks with Kevin Symonds about the theology of private revelation.

  • Episode 15: Why Journey with Mary Through Lent?

    February 23rd, 2020  |  8 mins 13 secs
    apparitions, blessed virgin mary, edward looney, fatima, guadalupe, lent, lourdes, mary, prayer

    During the season of Lent many people read spiritual reflection books. Fr. Edward Looney, author of "A Lenten Journey with Mother Mary" offers reflections on why journeying with Mary during Lent is a good idea.

  • Episode 14: Signal Grace and Franciscan Marian Devotion with Friar Nick

    October 8th, 2019  |  36 mins 5 secs
    #catholic, #franciscans, #howtheylovemary, #kolbe, #rosary, #signalgrace, #stfrancis, #virginmary

    Fr. Edward Looney talks with Friar Nick about #SignalGrace, the 54 Day Rosary Novena, and the Marian devotion of Franciscan saints.

  • Episode 13: Getting to know Fr. Patrick Peyton, the Rosary Priest, with Fr. Willy Raymond

    October 1st, 2019  |  48 mins 11 secs

    Fr. Edward Looney talks with Fr. Willy Raymond about the life of Fr. Patrick Peyton, which is captured in Peyton's re-published autobiography, "All for Her."

  • Episode 12: Ave Explores the Person of Mary with Katie Prejean McGrady

    September 24th, 2019  |  30 mins 48 secs
    blessed mother, catholic, devotion, pilgrimage, rosary, virgin mary

    Fr. Edward Looney talks with Catholic speaker and personality Katie Prejean McGrady about the upcoming Ave Explores Mary project and what people can look forward to.

  • Episode 11: The Message of Our Lady of La Salette with Patrice MacArthur

    September 17th, 2019  |  28 mins 51 secs
    apparitions, blessed mother, catholic, devotion, la salette, virgin mary

    Fr. Edward Looney discusses the message of La Salette and how we can live the message with author Patrice MacArthur.

  • Episode 10: The Spirituality and Cause for Canonization of Nicholas Black Elk with Richard May

    September 10th, 2019  |  31 mins 55 secs
    black elk, blessed mother, catholic, devotion, lakota, native american, saints, spirituality, virgin mary

    Fr. Edward Looney speaks with Richard May, a noted presenter on the convergence of Catholic and Native American spirituality, about Nicholas Black Elk and his spirituality and cause for canonization.

  • Episode 09: Our Lady of Charity with Maria Morera Johnson

    May 31st, 2019  |  40 mins 1 sec
    blessed mother, catholic, cuba, devotion, pilgrimage, rosary, virgin mary

    Fr. Edward Looney interviews author Maria Morera Johnson about her book "Our Lady of Charity: How a Cuban Devotion to Mary Helped Me Grow in Faith and Love"

    Available from: https://www.amazon.com/Our-Lady-Charity-Devotion-Helped/dp/1594719012

  • Episode 08: The Message of Fatima with Fr. Francisco Pereira

    May 13th, 2019  |  47 mins 48 secs
    blessed mother, catholic, devotion, fatima, pilgrimage, rosary, virgin mary

    Fr. Edward Looney talks with the Fr. Francisco Pereira about the message of Our Lady of Fatima. In Trending Marian Tweets, Topics, and Reads, Fr. Looney discusses the rosary and the controversial apparitions of Our Lady in Medjugojre.

  • Episode 07: Marian Shrines and Pilgrimage in the US with Marge Fenelon

    May 7th, 2019  |  51 mins 39 secs
    blessed mother, catholic, devotion, pilgrimage, rosary, shrines, virgin mary

    Fr. Edward Looney speaks with Marge Fenelon about her latest book and the many Marian shrines and pilgrimage destinations in the United States. Fr. Looney also discusses the trending Marian Tweets and Topics of the past week.

  • Episode 06: From Islam to Catholicism with Derya Little

    April 30th, 2019  |  54 mins 49 secs
    blessed mother, catholic, conversion, devotion, fatima, islam, jesus, rosary, star of the sea, virgin mary

    Fr. Edward Looney converses with Derya Little, author of From Islam to Christ, about the basic principles of Islam and what led her to Christianity and ultimately Catholicism. In Trending Marian Tweets and Topics Fr. Edward reflects on praying the rosary with the dying, deepening one' s Marian spirituality, and priestly Marian spirituality.

  • Episode 05: Divine Mercy and Mary with Susan Tassone

    April 24th, 2019  |  53 mins 16 secs
    blessed mother, catholic, devotion, divine mercy, faustina, pilgrimage, rosary, virgin mary

    Fr. Edward Looney discusses the message of Divine Mercy and Susan Tassone's new book, Day by Day with St. Faustina. In Trending Marian Tweets and 'Topics, Fr. Looney discusses the fire at Notre Dame, whether or not Jesus appeared to His Mother after the resurrection, and other topics.

  • Episode 04: Mary in the Life of a New Convert with Mary Jo

    April 16th, 2019  |  45 mins 34 secs
    blessed mother, catholic, convert, devotion, easter, holy, pilgrimage, rosary, saturday, vigil, virgin mary

    Thousands will join the Catholic Church in the United States during the Easter Vigil. Fr. Edward Looney discusses one person's conversion and how they received the Church's Marian devotion.