Hey Everybody! It's Fr. Edward

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

346 episodes of Hey Everybody! It's Fr. Edward since the first episode, which aired on March 29th, 2019.

  • Episode 164: [REPLAY] A Shrine to Mother Cabrini in Chicago

    July 21st, 2022  |  30 mins 20 secs
    pilgrimage, shrines

    Fr. Edward fell in love with the Mother Cabrini Shrine in Chicago and shares his conversation with Sr. Brigid as he visits the shrine again this week, with 45 of his parishioners.

  • Episode 163: [REPLAY] The Story of the Belleville, Illinois Shrine to Our Lady of Snows

    July 19th, 2022  |  26 mins 17 secs
    belleville, catholic shrines, il, our lady of snows, pilgrimage

    There's a shrine to Our Lady of Snows in Belleville, Illinois. But why? Learn more in this conversation Fr. Edward had with the Director of the Shrine.

  • Episode 162: A Catholic Tour of U.S. History with Kevin Schmiesing

    July 14th, 2022  |  36 mins 50 secs
    history, pilgrimage, shrines

    America isn't a Catholic Country, but Catholics have played an important part of its history. Historian, Kevin Schmiesing, author of "A Catholic Pilgrimage through American History: People and Places that Shaped the Church in the United States" joins Fr. Edward Looney to talk about people and places important in the Catholic ethos of the United States and the hows and whys of why you should visit those places.

  • Episode 161: The Story Behind Trinity Heights and How It Became a Shrine with Terry Hegarty

    July 6th, 2022  |  30 mins 12 secs
    pilgrimage, shrines

    Last summer, Fr. Edward was invited to speak at Trinity Heights in Sioux City, Iowa. When he arrived, he was impressed by the property. The shrine has two 30+ feet statues of Jesus and Mary, and several other devotional areas. Today, Terry Hegarty joins Fr. Edward to share the story behind and the future of Trinity Heights.

  • Episode 160: Ed Kelly Reminisces about His Many Visits to Garabandal

    June 30th, 2022  |  49 mins 40 secs
    garabandal, marian apparitions

    Ed Kelly is a familiar face in Garabandal having spent significant time in the Spanish village. Fr. Edward Looney crossed paths with him while in Spain and sat down at table to hear about his experiences in Garabandal over the years.

  • Episode 159: The Wisdom and Devotion of Fulton Sheen with Allan Smith

    June 27th, 2022  |  49 mins 50 secs
    fulton sheen

    Archbishop Fulton Sheen was a beloved priest and bishop, known for his television show "Life is Worth Living" and his many books. Learn more about Fulton Sheen's writing in this conversation with Sheen promoter Alan Smith. You'll also learn where the process is at for his canonization and why they moved his body to Peoria.

  • Episode 158: [REPLAY] Making the Most of Your Summer Travel with Marion Amberg

    June 23rd, 2022  |  35 mins 58 secs
    marion amberg, marvels, miracles, monuments, pilgrimage, summer, travel

    Fr. Edward Looney loves to visit holy places and shrines throughout the United States. So does Marion Amberg who shares the wealth of her knowledge with us in this episode.

  • Episode 157: The Hope of St. Faustina's Revelations (and the Faith and Love of St. Therese and Bernadette) with Elizabeth Ficocelli

    June 20th, 2022  |  45 mins 47 secs
    elizabeth ficocelli, st. bernadette, st. faustina, st. therese

    The Divine Mercy message Jesus revealed to St. Faustina has touched the hearts of many believers including Elizabeth Ficocelli. In this conversation with Fr. Edward Looney, she shares how three saints have been influential in her life including St. Faustina, St. Therese, and St. Bernadette.

  • Episode 156: How Deacon Greg Kandra Befriended St. Joseph and How You Can Too

    June 16th, 2022  |  35 mins 23 secs
    ave maria press, befriending st. joseph, deacon greg kandra, sorrows of st. joseph, st. joseph

    Devotion to St. Joseph took root in a lot of people during the Year of St. Joseph. We asked his prayer, invoked his titles, and discovered new devotions to him. Have you heard of the Seven Sorrows of St. Joseph? Deacon Greg Kandra of the Deacon's Bench recently released a book with Ave Maria Press called, "Befriending St. Joseph." All people, men and women, can befriend St. Joseph, and in this episode he shares how we can by reflecting on his sorrows.

  • Episode 155: The Influence of St. Kateri Tekakwitha on Young People with Rebecca Sievers

    June 13th, 2022  |  37 mins 53 secs
    book, lessons, saints, summercamp

    The Diocese of Green Bay is home to a summer camp for young people called Camp Tekakwitha. In today's episode, Fr. Edward Looney speaks with the camp director Rebecca Sievers about her background with Camp Tek, her favorite memories, how they instill devotion to this saint, and about the other Camp Tekakwithas throughout the US.

  • Episode 154: Meet a Teenager in Heaven Who Promoted Devotion to the Holy Eucharist with Sabrina Ferrisi

    June 9th, 2022  |  35 mins 42 secs
    blessed carlo acutis, eucharistic miracles, eucharistic revival, how they love mary book, teenage saints

    Blessed Carlo Acutis has grown in popularity since his recent beatification and now he is one of the patrons for the Eucharistic Revival in the United States beginning Corpus Christi 2022. Sabrina tells the story of Blessed Carlo in her latest book with Holy Heroes and helps introduce us to this teenager in Heaven who loved Eucharistic miracles.

  • Episode 153: St. Therese Showered Roses On Him with Jacob Rudd

    June 7th, 2022  |  50 mins 4 secs
    catholicmusic, jacobrudd, sttherese

    Jacob Rudd has answered a call from God as a husband, father, and Catholic musician. A local to the Green Bay Diocese, Fr. Edward has known Jacob for many years. He's always been impressed by his music, especially his song about St. Therese. Learn how St. Therese showered roses on Jacob and be sure to listen to the end, otherwise you'll miss his song "Roses."

  • Episode 152: Discover New Titles of Our Lady for Your Personal Devotion with Christine Valters Paintner

    June 2nd, 2022  |  38 mins 57 secs
    ave maria press, birthing the holy, book, marian devotion

    Christine Valters Paintner has written a new book about Mary that Fr. Edward fell in love with. It happens to be competing in Amazon rankings with his new book but Christine's book is too good not to share. There are so many different titles for the Blessed Mother, and in her new book Birthing the Holy, Christine Valters Paintner offers us reflections on 31 titles. Some you will be familiar with and others will be new to you as they were for Fr. Edward. In this episode you'll discover new titles for Our Lady that you will begin invoking and thinking about in your daily life.

  • Episode 151: Adele Brise Saw America's Mary in Champion, Wisconsin with Marge Fenelon

    May 31st, 2022  |  53 mins 29 secs
    adelebrise, championwi, margefenelon, marianapparitions

    Marge Fenelon is a Catholic author and journalist living in Wisconsin. Her strong Marian devotion comes from her background in the Schoenstatt movement, and as a Wisconsinite, she has visited the National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help on many occasions. Today, she joins Fr. Edward Looney to talk about the visionary Adele Brise, the message Our Lady entrusted to her, and how Adele and all of us can live that message.

  • Episode 150: Praying for the Poor Souls Isn't Just for November with Kristen Van Uden

    May 26th, 2022  |  39 mins 13 secs
    dolindo ruotolo, purgatory, sophia institute press

    Memorial Day is this weekend and many people will visit cemeteries, decorating their graves of loved ones, and offering prayers for their happy repose. In this episode. Fr. Edward Looney speaks with Kristen Van Uden from Sophia Institute Press about two recent books they published about Purgatory. If you have questions about Purgatory, hopefully she answers them! We talk about sources of the writers, what is Purgatory like, how do our prayers help, and is there time in Purgatory.

  • Episode 149: Stories about Mother Angelica from a Friar Who Knew Her with Fr. Joseph Mary Wolfe, MFVA

    May 23rd, 2022  |  38 mins 3 secs
    ewtn, healings, mary, mother angelica, mystics, rhoda wise

    Fr. Edward Looney speaks with Fr. Joseph Mary Wolfe, a Franciscan Missionary of the Eternal Word who left his career to help Mother Angelica with the network and who then eventually became an EWTN priest. In this conversation breaking down lesson four of Fr. Looney's book How They Love Mary, Fr. Joseph shares memories from his life working alongside Mother Angelica.